Fantasy vs Reality

The fastest way to get over a fantasy is with a dose of reality. This can be good or bad depending on the circumstances. An example of the bad is with a marriage starting with a fantasy and then real life hits you in the face. You realize that marriage is hard and love must be present for it to work. Just because your partner likes what you like or is good looking does not equal love. Alot of divorces come about because fantasies were started but love was left out. Of course there is the ultimate betrayal of one partner leaving a love for a fantasy.

Man and woman kissing in a dream

We all have our fantasies but, are they beyond what we should imagine? A child’s fantasies are a part of growing up and it can determine how far we go in life. If you see a child playing with a toy fire engine, he is probably saving lives and becoming a hero in his mind. The same child picks up his daddy’s cigarettes and the fantasy can become harmful in later years.

An adult who has fantasies about a co-worker can have a hard time focusing on his or her job. These same fantasies can also create a unemployment status for this person, if not a lawsuit for stalking.

Man and woman looking at each other in a fantasy setting

So when are fantasies a good thing and when do they cause harm? Most fantasies come upon us without much thought put into them. The important thing is to monitor these fantasies and ask ourselves the important question, “Is this fantasy going to cause harm to me or others?”

Fantasies are different then dreams, we have little control what we dream about in our sleep but, we do have complete control to stop a fantasy in its tracks. Fantasies are normal and you are not weird for having such thoughts in your life. How far you take them is up to you and carrying a fantasy too far can cause a tremendous amount of problems for you and others.

Don’t be afraid when a fantasy comes upon you. Just remember, you are in control of it. Have you heard the saying, “that person is living in a fantasy world?” You must be very careful in using such a sentence because their is a distinct difference between someone who fantasizes to someone who is a dreamer. A dreamer is thinking on something to better their lives while fantasy is usually a fairy tale.

Fire engine

Do you remember the boy playing with the fire engine? This may start as a fantasy and end up being his dream. I myself started at a young age with a fantasy of driving the big haul trucks in a mine. This fantasy turned into a dream of mine and later in life became a reality for me. These are good fantasies. I have also had fantasies of women I have known and I have had to shut them thoughts down because they were going to cause bad things to happen in my future. These are bad fantasies and need to be put to rest as soon as possible before a problem arises.

I hope you are catching what I am pitching. You are in control of you. Even though thoughts may come to you, you have the ability to continue to focus on them or completely destroy them in your mind. Please be careful of how you allow your mind to wander. Take care my friends and Remember, we are all in this together.

Bring back God, save our Nation

The world has gone crazy and I’m losing my patience. Why is it with every one step forward, we seem to take two steps back? As a society, we are failing miserably. For every one thing that is changed to fix something that someone has a problem with, we create more problems that must be solved.

I thought that maybe I was just looking too hard into things that I don’t understand. These feelings are becoming stronger as I get older and look at the world with more mature eyes. No single group of people seems to be happy anymore. People all want something for nothing and are offended by everything and everyone. What happened to the world I grew up in? Are all the good times really over? Is their any hope left for mankind?

These are tough questions to ask one’s self and the reality of the conclusions are very bleak to say the least. Why has society changed to the point of total obliteration? Where exactly did we go wrong? Are we going to keep going downhill or are we going to wake up and fix this mess? I’m not sure how many of you see things the way I do and are also worried about the path we are heading down. I hope that I can find a majority somewhere that will stand with me and voice the problems we are causing ourselves.

United States flag

As I write this, I’m asking myself what all this is about, so let me throw out some examples. I live in the United States which is known worldwide as a free country. Lately we have become everything but free. We put ourselves up to show the rest of the world what freedom is all about. I believe we are now failing in our attempts to do just that. We will come to the aid of others in different parts of the world to help those in need. However, we no longer finish what we start. We do have the ability to solve many problems the world has as long as we have our friends in other nations to help us. The problem with doing this is we are too busy fighting amongst ourselves to be able to help others.

We as a nation see others as being wrong thinking but, we are now following what we fought against for years. Our nation was built to allow all peoples into our country no matter what race, religion or creed, as long as it is done legally. I see now that this is falling apart and needs to be fixed immediately if we are to survive and continue to aid others. We have no right to tell others how to live unless we can achieve this ourselves. When I was growing up, we were living the way we were teaching others. What changed in my beloved country?

Clouds in the sky (represent Heaven)

There is only one thing that is bringing this country down and when I tell you, you will either agree or quit reading immediately. Our country, even though we allow all types of people, was built with God in mind. If you look at our currency, it says “In God we trust”. This seems to have lost it’s meaning through the years and the people now have hardened their hearts. When we started turning our backs against the one who helped us become a nation, we began to  lose what we stand for.

The name God is different depending on what religion you follow. I myself am a Christian. I am not here to tell you whether you are right or wrong in your beliefs. We as Americans respect all people and religions. We do not stand in your way to believe what God you follow or don’t follow. However, for this to work, we must get back to the point where all Americans stand together once again. I want to help others help themselves in bringing back the foundation this great country was built upon.

Cross on a hill at sundown

I know I may lose followers due to this post but that’s alright. If this single post reaches just one person and helps them, it was all worth its weight in Gold! We say “God Bless America”, let’s stand up and invite the Almighty back to this country so we can go back to helping others worldwide.

This is all for now. I hope you will join me for future post. If I have offended you, this is not my intention. I will be here for you as long as you will allow me. God bless you and your families. Remember, we are all in this together.

Hopeful vs lucky

Hope is its own entity that must be fed constantly. Hope is what drives the human spirit to great achievements as well as keeping us in tune with the goals we set for our lives. Without hope, we are just like dust in the wind, ( no meaning and without direction ).

Some people tend to lean upon luck as their driving force. This is a great mistake and tends to lead to great failures as well. Luck is the opposite of hope and leads us to think in negative ways. When you stay living with luck, you are allowing others as well as your surroundings to control what happens in your life. This my friends is no way to live if you wish to have happiness in your life.

Lady closing her eyes and crossing her fingers

Let me see if I can get my point across in a way that may make more sense. Do you have dreams of what you want out of this life? Do you see something that you want and it makes your spirit leap because you can see the possibility of possessing such an object or situation? These are hopeful thoughts and they bring joy to us. Females are very good at this. Sometimes as early as twelve years old, a girl is already in a dream state of her wedding later in life. She is hoping for a good man that will bring her joy and a wedding that will be the envy of her friends. This woman didn’t get lucky to find a good man, she has been planning for years.

Have you ever seen someone who tends to have everything go their way? Of course, most will commit how lucky this person is. But maybe, just maybe this person knows something that you don’t and is using it to help things go their way. These people understand the difference between hope and luck.

If you win the lottery, are you hopeful or lucky? Wow, trick question right? This is not a trick question. Believe it or not, you are starting with hope but relying on luck. I bet you didn’t expect that answer, did you? If it started with luck, then you wouldn’t have bought that lottery ticket. It would just magically be that you won the lottery. You see even though you may feel lucky, you actually were using hope to start with because you did put in the effort and money to purchase that ticket. Now this is what I call “working against yourself.” While you did have hope to start with, you changed it to luck/chance in the aftermath. You essentially took a positive and turned it into a negative. Negative, meaning that you are now allowing someone or something to take control away from you. This is one reason why any kind of gambling can be addictive and cost you everything. You think you are working in the positive when in actuality, you have been leaning alot farther into the negative without even knowing it.

Have I lost you yet? Let’s try this a slightly different way. Hope consists of putting some form of effort into the situation. This can be thought, money, time or even the old adage; blood, sweat and tears. Whatever it is, there must be something from you to create it. Luck on the other hand, just automatically appears. You are at the mercy of whatever force is controlling the situation.

The highest form of hope is faith. Now some might say that is just for people who are religious. This is untrue. Although faith is used by some religions, it is also used outside of the church. If you look at the definition of faith, the first part will show like this: 1. A trust or confidence in the intentions or abilities of a person, object or ideal from prior empirical evidence. Here is a simple thought on faith. Your child has faith that you will take care of them. This is much stronger than hope.

A baby hold a mother's finger

Why did I bring up the word faith while talking about hope you might be asking. This is because when you use the word hope, it doesn’t quite have a full meaning to what I’m trying to get across. Using the word faith tends to have a greater meaning for people. To show you what I mean, here is a definition of hope: 1. the feeling of trust, confidence, belief or expectation that something wished for can or will happen.

Now that I have shown what hope is and the higher side of hope which is faith, let’s take a look at the definition of luck. Luck 1. something that happens by chance, a chance occurrence, especially a favorable one.

Do you understand now why I believe we must live by hope/faith instead of luck. With hope/faith you are taking control while luck is just something that happens and may or may not show up for you. Take control today. Here is my final word on this subject. This may or not make sense to you. “Faith is a substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” If you would like to know where you can find this, I will be happy to share. Take care my friends and Remember, we are all in this together.

Power within you

You never know what you can do until the situation is presented to you.

We all have that extra amount of willingness, strength and determination when the time comes to call upon these. These extra bits of power usually show up during disasters of some sort within our lives but, can we pull these extras out without a disaster bringing them forth? The answer to this question is a definitive Yes, as long as we are within the right mental attitude and willing to practice until we have these mastered.

If these powers are within us, then they are also at our beckoned call. All we have to do is learn how to bring these powers into being when we want them.

Everyone has heard a story such as a woman being able to lift a car to save her child in a crash. Scientifically, this is determined by adrenaline. So why must there be a accident for this woman to call upon her body to produce enough adrenaline to lift this car? Why can’t she produce this adrenaline whenever it might help her in a normal situation? I believe this all comes down to training the body and mind to do what we ask, when we ask it to.

Professional baseball pitcher

I know this sounds far fetched and you probably think I’m losing my mind just by bringing it up. But the question is still there. Can we train our bodies and minds to do these super human feats upon command? I believe the answer to this is another definitive Yes. Let me explain why I think this is possible. If you look at things like martial arts, the human body can produce much more strength then we ever thought it could. Martial arts also requires a great amount of mental training. In baseball, the pitcher bends his arm in very unnatural ways to make the baseball react the way he wants. (If you want to see what I’m talking about with pitchers, record a baseball game and watch the pitcher in slow motion). How is this possible? You are correct, it all comes down to training of the body as well as the mind.

So after looking at martial arts and baseball, do you now believe we can train our body and mind to control these extra powers within us? I hope you now can see that I’m not out of my mind. I really do see these things as not only possible but, already proven.

Person do karate kick

Are you willing to put in the training to achieve these super powers? Most of us would have to say no. This is why there are only a select few that become professional sports players. There are many who practice but, only a small percentage that master martial arts. These special people are willing to put their body’s and minds through the training that is needed to use these super powers at their beckoned call.

You have these powers inside you and you can master them if you really want them. Of course you will have these super powers if you are ever in a disaster and need them immediately too. The human body and mind are much stronger then we give them credit.

I have no idea why I wrote this. I hope there is someone out there that needed to read this. Take care my friends and Remember, we are all in this together.

Good person (after dead)

I’m going to write about something that I have always had a problem with. Why is it, no matter what kind of person he or she was, people always say the one that died was a good person? Maybe it is proper during the funeral for the families sake but, if this is so and you don’t think this was a good person in life, then why are you at the funeral to begin with?

Tombstones at cemetery

How about the people that worked with said individual and knew they were a horrible person? When they hear of this person passing away, they always say they will be missed and what a great person he or she was. “Oh, it’s so sad that James passed away. I remember the time he waved at me and smiled.” Well, you knew him for forty years, I hope you can remember the one time he smiled and waved to you. Let’s face it, he was a horrible person in life and death only helps because you don’t have to deal with him anymore.

Maybe people say how great a person you were after you die just for their own peace of mind. Maybe there is more to it. Just possibly it’s because we see ourselves in that coffin and don’t want anyone to talk bad about us when it’s our turn. There are alot of theories out there but, I haven’t heard anyone trying to figure it out. I can say, if you plan on attending my funeral, you best speak truth. If you feel I was a terrible person, don’t hold back. Tell it like it is! I will have more respect for you if you tell the truth rather than lie to everyone.

One thing I will say is, once I’m gone, it doesn’t matter anymore. If I was a horrible person in life, then that is what I should be remembered for. If you feel like you need to say something but can’t think of anything nice without lying, then just say that I was what I was and leave it at that. Either show up at my funeral and speak the truth, be quiet or don’t show up at all.

Lady consoles another at funeral.

One thing I will say on this subject that does throw a wrench into matters is if you are related to the dead person. Sometimes we are required to show up at funerals and show our respect just because we are family. If we tell what a horrible person he or she was or if we don’t show up, we may be black balled by the rest of the family. This is the only excuse there is that is reasonable for a lie.

I will put this in print so if you need to, you can show the family members that I have given you permission not to show up or to tell exactly how you feel about me. Make sure you print this post so you have a record of it if you feel it may come in handy.

I wrote this post just to cause a question to be asked and answered. Why are people always good after they die? Can you answer this question? I look forward to your thoughts. Take care out there and Remember, we are all in this together.